Saturday, February 2, 2013

Message to AngryWhiteDude: I think we can all understand why you white nationalists are so angry. Your land, after all was stolen by the Native Americans and they killed millions of you. The Afri-cans stole millions of you and enslaved generations of you for over 400 years. The sand niggers in the Middle East bombed their own Twin Towers just so they could stage a false flag campaign against you and kill millions of you and steal your oil. Most of all, though, those who call themselves Jews but lie infiltrated your government and control your banks and all your media entities.

Divne Racial Karma & the White Devil

Ted Bundy, George Bush Jr., Stephen Colbert: The Difference Between Narcissistic Sociopaths & White People? None. But Be Warned: They’re Racial Psychopaths Too. What’s the result of the toxic combination of creatures (Caucasians) that are in the form of humans but that are genetically only mankind that are narcissistic sociopaths & racial psychopaths in the age of Global Warming & Ultraviolet Light? Caucasoid Devolution. But how much more primitive & savage can they be? Have we seen worst of whites? No.

Http:// is just another normal white psychopath w/a gun.